I always wanted to be a lawyer, a prosecutor. My mothers divorce attorney told me women did not make good lawyers when I was 12, which made me want to prove him wrong. As I got older my mind changed and I wanted to be a Forensic Pathologist. That is basically a medical examiner but more schooling and a bigger salary since there ( in 2006) where only 400 forensic pathologists in the United States. The average salary then when I was doing my research was $401,000 a year. WOW!! So I went to college and majored in Criminal Justice & criminology and minored in psychology. I changed my mind about the forensic pathology because I knew I would never have the grades to get into medical school.
Now 5 years after graduating college, my degree is still collecting dust. I owe now ( after interest keeps tacking on over the years) around $41,000 in student loans. I can not afford to pay them back. After I graduated I was super excited about finding a job, but of course this was when everything crashed and society sucked. I was either over-qualified with a degree or under qualified with no experience. One job was a year long process of tests and polygraphs, just to be told I was over-qualified! WTF!