Friday, July 31, 2015

When I Grow Up

Everyone always ask little kids what they want to be when they grow up. Most popular, a fireman! But what did you want to do when you grew up? Are you doing that now? 

I always wanted to be a lawyer, a prosecutor. My mothers divorce attorney told me women did not make good lawyers when I was 12, which made me want to prove him wrong. As I got older my mind changed and I wanted to be a Forensic Pathologist. That is basically a medical examiner but more schooling and a bigger salary since there ( in 2006) where only 400 forensic pathologists in the United States. The average salary then when I was doing my research was $401,000 a year. WOW!! So I went to college and majored in Criminal Justice & criminology and minored in psychology. I changed my mind about the forensic pathology because I knew I would never have the grades to get into medical school.

Now 5 years after graduating college, my degree is still collecting dust. I owe now ( after interest keeps tacking on over the years) around $41,000 in student loans. I can not afford to pay them back. After I graduated I was super excited about finding a job, but of course this was when everything crashed and society sucked. I was either over-qualified with a degree or under qualified with no experience. One job was a year long process of tests and polygraphs, just to be told I was over-qualified! WTF! 

I am now a stay at home mom, which never in a million years think I would be doing this and love it. I always thought that I would be the career woman wearing cute clothes ( even though I am SUCCHHHHH a tomboy!). But I think I want to change my career course because when they go to school and I start work, I would be starting at the bottom with my degree. I think I want to be... A PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER! I love love love organizing, I love labels and I love making my life easier. So why not help other make their lives easier too! I have done research and you have to have so many ours doing this before you can get certified. I really think I am going to give it a whirl but I have to get people willing to let me organize their houses, pay me and pay for the supplies that they need. hmmmm.. Something I will have to think about!


  1. My daughter had the same dream and education. She is now applying to pharmacist school!

    1. That is a really good field to go into. A school near me, Ohio Northern University, actually offers a 6 year program and you become a Dr. in pharmacy.

  2. Fun post! I wanted to be a lawyer growing up, too...but only because I really liked watching "The Practice" when I was younger. Then I wanted to be a marine biologist, until I realized I reallllly didn't like science. Now I'm a SAHM/freelance writer, and i'm totally okay with it!

    1. I wanted to be one because I was always very good at arguing lol! Im trying to find ways to make money as a SAHM because I dont want to give it up !

  3. I also have a Psychology degree collecting dust! I am back in school for counseling though and really hope to make something of myself with that!

    1. I thought about that. Or even taking my test to get my social work licenses. But I just dont know. :-/

  4. I always wanted to be a bank teller. I went to school starting in nursing, switched to psychology, switched to elementary ed, then finally switched and got my MBA. Now while I don't work in a bank, I am an accountant. I should have just listened to my childhood self and saved all the trouble of searching.

    1. haha you definitely should have!! I wanted to be Ariel from the little mermaid when I was really really little! I still wouldn't mind to be her and live in the water in warm weather all the time!
