Monday, June 29, 2015

Toddler Arts and crafts

So I am in desperate need of some suggestions of arts and crafts projects others may do with their children. I am trying to find things that a 2 year old and 9 month old can both do. I have looked at pinterest and have made play dough and edible finger paint. I just don't do the finger paint that often because well I have been too lazy to make it, I won't lie. I have also not done too ,many projects because I have been to lazy lately to want to clean up after they are done. The past month here we have probably had 5 sunny days and while I need those projects to keep them entertained, it also makes it hard to find motivation to do those things! :-) The struggle is real! 

What are some other crafts that you do with your kids? Any this with like popsicle sticks or pipe cleaners, or paper plates ( I used to love coloring paper plates as a kid). I am also looking for things that wont be a headache for me. My son is Mr. Independent, so something that will cause less fighting because he is making a giant mess would also be awesome. I just don't know of many things that I could do with the both of them. Any suggestions would be great! Thank you!


  1. Yeah, those ages are really hard for crafting. One thing I will say about finger painting though that I like to do, is just strip them down to their diapers and let them finger paint in the bathtub. Cleanup is super easy!

    1. I feel like that is my routine at dinner,especially spaghetti night! They eat in diapers and straight to the tub after lol!

  2. Sand Art with Glue Sticks. Decorate a Hat with Cloth Stickers, Make a Mobile with Paper Plates Strings, and Crayons.. That's all I have of the top of my head. Try Googling too.

    1. The mobile is a great idea! Sand would probably still be bad and every where! lol
