Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Never Thought It Would Happen

I always heard horror stories of the "poop" moments. When the child pooped in their crib or some how got it every where but I never in my life imagined it would be me. I would always laugh at my friends when they would tell me what had happened to them and think it was funny but I finally got to eat my own words. So here is my story.

Benson is potty training and part of the reason is because he now likes to be naked and takes off his own diaper. So peeing in the potty hasn't been difficult. We do have accidents but he is just getting the hang of it. Pooping however he has no idea how to use the potty. One evening at dinner he decided to take his diaper off and I thought nothing of it. He was playing with the baby in the hallway while I was cleaning up from dinner. The next thing I noticed was him sitting in the floor with something brown under his butt. When I got a closer look I could tell it was poop and a turd was next to him, mind you our carpet is white! yay! I then noticed that my daughter had crawled down the hallway to the other end but when she had did that she had crawled through the poop and left knee prints where ever she had went. So I was in panic mode and about to be sick. Poop doesn't bother me but OMG what do I do. First they both went into the tub and then I had to start scrubbing right away. It was the most disgusting thing I have so far encountered as a mom. 

So what is your horror story? What is the worst or most disgusting thing that has happened to you?


  1. oh man, yuck!!! I don't even want to say this "out loud," but we haven't had a poop accident like that yet (KNOCK ON ALL THE WOOD!). My SIL and brother, on the other hand, went into my nephews room one morning to find poop allllllllll over the wall near his crib.

  2. Sorry but I had to laugh! This is so happening to me I'm sure

  3. Holy shit...literally. This makes me cringe! And I'm afraid to even leave a comment out of fear of jinxing myself! But...I've yet to encounter any poop disasters and my oldest daughter is 3 (youngest is 8 weeks). My 3 year old has thrown up only once in her life so far and that was a hot mess. All over her bedroom floor (carpet), then again in the hallway (hardwood), and then bathroom (tile). That wasn't fun and I felt on the verge of barfing during all of the clean-up. -Misty

  4. Ewwwww! Kids can be so gross at times! My worst experience was when my oldest son was a baby. He was jumping in his jumperoo and had a blowout...all over our puppy's head. To make matters worse, the puppy was licking it up.

  5. I'm so sorry Lexie, but I had to laugh.. oh the jumeroo blowouts. Those suck so bad. And yes I swear I jinxed myself. It took time for karma to catch up but it finally got to me.
